Yash Mantri

Hi! I am Yash Mantri let me walk you through my intro, projects.


I am a student from Computer Science branch from Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli. Currently, I am in third year and I love coding. I am eager to learn new things and apply them in real world problems.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to enhance my coding skills and build projects. These projects would enhance my skills and it will be helpful to build my portfolio strong. Plus I need the internship.

something interesting about you?

Nothing much !! In 12th when the result was out I was not satisfied with my result and then I was confused should I select Science or not but at the end I selected science and Iā€™m here.

help I need?

I need help in the backend.

how to contact me?


There are not much but still there are three that I made for Hackathons and Competitions.

My projects:

Waste Buy : Swachh Bin

description In this application there are two modules :- 1) Users : Through this app the Shepherds and Farmers can order vegetable waste , organic waste and animal waste , OTP verification . 2) Admin : The admin can see the total number of orders , complains which are stored in database. When the admin accepts the order the customer will receive the message regarding the arrival date of the order .

stack Made using Android Studio , Firebase for database.

hosted link Not Hosted

github link

Tracker : Covid19 Traker

description The tracker gives the information regarding total positive cases , total active cases , total recovered , total deaths , it also includes a self assessment test to check whether you are safe or not and gives information regarding symptoms , testing and state wise data .

stack ReactJs , NodeJs , HTML and CSS.

hosted Link

github link

Other Projects

description There are several other minor projects that I created in order to increase my skills.

stack C , OpenCV

github link



No Blogs at present . I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.