Vyshnavi Panjhazari

Hi! I am vyshnavi panjhazari, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


Currently, a student pursuing B.Tech in computer science at Sphoorthy engineering college,i have a passion for learning new things in the technology and also try to solve some problems using my coding knowledge.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need job in July 2020. I like to skill up by learning and growing. I have taken part in hackathons and built some prototypes. I want to improve my skills, so this will help me grow.

something interesting about you?

Apart from engineering related subjects i like philosophy subject which philosophy means “love for the wisdom” i always try to find some knowledge in every aspect of life. my friends call me drona because i always teach them before exams and they got the good results.

help I need?

trying to implement some of my coding skills to solve real world problems

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.