Vivek Sonar

Hi! I am Vivek Sonar Currently pursuing Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science at Modern Education Society’s Colleg Of Engineering,Pune.Im a Cloud Computing Enthusiast


I am a second year computer engineering student passionate about Cloud Computing, Docker, Kubernetes. I have experience working with Public cloud like Aws,Google cloud, and Digital Ocean

Why are you taking this challenge?

1: Love to make Project because I get to learn more stuff

2: Will get a chance to show my projects and if lucky get an internship in devops domain.

Something interesting about you?

I am 19 and I love to learn constantly about new growing technologies currently im learning Cloud Computing and technologies mainly involved in Devops.

Help I need?

Usage of frontend technologies in my upcomming projects.

How to contact me?


Project 1: Dice Game URL:

Github repo:

It’s an interactive game that runs on one browser window. Two players can play at one time. When you click the roll dice button, you’ll roll a random dice number, and you can roll it as many times you want. Still, if the dice rolls to 1 your score resets to zero and next player gets the chance to toll the dice you can hold your score when you want but after holding you lose your chance to roll the dice and you would have to wait for the next player to go 1 or hold his score and the first player to get 100 score wins.

Technology used: HTML5.0, CSS3.0, and Javascript.

Project 2: Sentiment Analysis

Github Repo:

Its a microservice based webapp which has three micro services i used Html,Css for frontend ,Spring as a backend, and Python for logic of the analyzer then i wrote docker files to containerize this microservices and also deployed them on kubernetes cluster.Yaml files for kubernetes deployment are on my github repo. This apps shows the sentiment of the sentence you write in the text-segment and to analize this it uses Python.

Technology used: HTML5.0, CSS3.0, Docker, Spring , Python ,Kubernetes.


I Love to wirte blog on latest technologies that I have learned or im learning you can view my blogs at

Best Blog posts

1:The Anatomy of a Kubernetes Cluster

2:Docker Containers vs. Virtual Machines