Vinay Bajjuri

Hi! I am Bajjuri Vinay Kumar let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I’m a third year B.Tech student who loves coding and exploring different Technologies.Currently most of my time is spent on getting my hands dirty in react. And along with that I do Data Analytics using Python.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in July 2020. I want to know how tech companies work internally .So,I thought internship would be a great opportunity to do so.

something interesting about you?

Im an Computer Science Student who loves to explore different things aside like I have done trading stocks,Marketing using FB ads.

help I need?

Currently making myself good at React. I need some help in learning Back End so that I can be a Full-Stack Web Developer

how to contact me?


My projects:

Project1 : URL Shortener

description Did you ever face a problem if getting a shortened link of any url. Then here is the solution .Here is gi a website which can help you to shorten any url. The front-end is developed using HTML CSS JavaScript and backend is handled by an external api , Which takes care of shorting the url.

stack The website is made using HTML, CSS , JavaScript and the backend is handled using an external API

hosted link

github link :


I’ll update this field with some quality content soon.