Vinit Raut

Hi! I am a Vinit Raut studying at Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai. Let me walk you through my journey so far.


I am a final year computer engineering student passionate about JavaScript and its ecosystems. I have developed few projects in MERN stack.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need to learn and make good projects, write blogs and get recommendations from industrial experts, getting feedbacks and improve more with an wonderfull opportunity to get a job. This is a win win situation.

something interesting about you?

I am 21 and I don’t know how to ride a bike although have a strict ‘reel world’ gaming driving experience.

help I need?

Usage and best practices of using GraphQl in the project.

how to contact me?


I will start sharing my projects with live links and source code links after I finish implementing them.


I will start sharing my blogs with live links after I finish writing them.