
Hi there! My name is Urmil Bhatt. Let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am working as a Frontend Engineer in a service based compnany since past couple of years. I have also earned a Frontend Web Developer Nanodegree from Udacity.

why are you taking this challenge?

The reason I am taking up this challenge is to get a job in a Product Based Company. And to learn and improve my Technical Communication to become a better Engineer. This challenge will help me create my visibility by showcasing my side-projects and by showcasing my technical communication through my blogs.

something interesting about you?

I am very much interested in knowing about Pop Culture.

help I need?

I would be great if someone can guide me through what I need to start from. Should I write blogs or should I concentrate on my side projects. I am not good at writing, never wrote a blog. There’s so much chaos in my mind about selecting a path and sticking to that path.

how to contact me?


I’m currently working on my side projects. I’ll keep updating the list here as I do new ones!


I’m going to update this soon!