Manoj Tyagi

Hi! I am Manoj Tyagi. I am interested in Programming and Web Development not from a big bunch of years but from only about 2 years when I have joined my Engineering in Computer Science as Major and now I have realized that it became my passion. I am pre-final year undergraduate at HNB Garhwal University, Uttarakhand, India and beside programming I am also working for my on-demand service startup RIGTHBROS


I am a lazy guy actually which sometimes helps me to find out the solution to the problem more easily. I am also a little bit shy and sometimes have stage fear. That’s why I continuously try to speak in public

Why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job. I want to learn, explore and apply the new things and my knowledge to the real world scenario.

Something interesting about you?

I am very good at poetry, expecially we call them “Shayaris” and just started writing Raps. The best thing about me is that I am a very fast learner and whatever I do, I do with all my heart. The most unique thing about me is that Whereever I work, I work with all my heart, considering the firm as my own. As an example: During My Internships, I have worked more than 16 hours daily and sleep in the office at night. Also completed the tasks assigned to me in less than the half time.

Help I need?

It would be good if someone helps me in making better User Interfaces because I am pretty good in Back-end development but need some help in Front-end.

How to contact me?


Done a lot of projects in my Web development Career, mainly using Python and Django as a Backend. Besides this I have developed many websites as a Freelancer and also worked on several projects during my three internships.

My projects:

EasyEats : An online food delivery platform

description Hungry in Srinagar? Not Possible. Eat the best food out there with the ease with EasyEats

stack Used Python and Django as a Back-end. PostgreSQL as database service. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap 4 for Front-end. Hosted on Heroku and serving the storages from Amazon S3.

hosted link

github link

Event Management System

description Having Difficulties in Managing Events. Give a try to EventManager.

stack Used Python and Django as a Back-end. SQLite3 as database service. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap 4 for Front-end.

github link

TwitterClone : Simple APIs

description Want to tweet but don’t have an internet connection. Run it on your local machine and Tweet the way you want.

stack Used Python and Django as a Back-end. Django REST Framework for APIs. SQLite3 as database service. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap 4 for Front-end. jQuery and AJAX for API calls. POSTMAN for API testing.

github link

HandyTools: Tools you need, in your hand

description All time favourite, ready to implement tools for developers.

stack Various Languages and Frameworks included.

github link

Note:- Other Projects can be found on my GitHub here


I have started blogging first time in early 2018 at blogger with name HackThatCORE. Now I am blogging on Medium with my own publication and my profile thewolfcommander.

How to make a QR Code Generator and Reader using Python in 5 minutes?

description In this blog, I have described how i made a qr code generator and reader using python in just 5 minutes.


How we used Google App Engine to deploy Django Application (with Postgres DB)at DUIT Technologies

description In this Post, I have deployed a full featured django application to the Google App Engine with PostgreSQL DB when I was working at DUIT Technologies as an Intern.
