Raghav Mangal

Hello World! I am Raghav Mangal, currently in my pre-final year of grabbing opportunities to learn and contribute. let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a tech-enthusiast pursuing Bachelors of Technology. I feel lucky to be a part of this great tech community and want to contribute as much as i can to make this world a better place to live in through the power of 1’s and 0’s.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship so that i can learn, build and contribute.

something interesting about you?

I am an avid-reader who wants to increase his horizon of knowledge every single day. I love dim lights and pop music while coding which i think is cool. I can play chess too.

help I need?

It would be good if someone guides or mentors me to find a way out in this sea of technologies so that i can resonate with my interests.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

HELIX20: College Techfest Website

description - Developed a fully functional website for the annual technical fest of our college. All the registrations and payments are managed by using PHP and mySql databases in the backend.

stack - Front end is developed with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and Bootstrap. Backend is powered by PHP and MySql.

hosted link -

github link - will update soon

EXO-RIOUS: platform to learn about exoplanets

description - A simple web App made for interactive learning of Exoplanets. Data collected from NASA is interactively visualised using Responsive graphs and pie charts. Details about the most habitable planet are also displayed.

stack - Made with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, d3.js, canva.js

hosted link - will update soon

github link -


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

bzmore command in linux

description - It’s an article about bzmore command in linux contributed to geeksforgeeks. It takes you from the basics of this command and explains all the options available with it.

link -

ip command in linux

description - It’s an article about ip command in linux contributed to geeksforgeeks. It takes you from the basics of this command and explains all the options available with it.

link -