
🙋‍♂ I m a final year engineering student graduating in May 2020. Currently working as an intern in Bosch. Let me walk you through my crafts. 😁


I m currently studying in SJCE, Mysore and interning at Robert Bosch, Bangalore. My primary skills include Python, flask, machine learning, NodeJS. I also want to learn and make good UI after learning React.

Why am I taking this challenge?

  • I need an job in June/July 2020.
  • I want to make a kickass portfolio.

something interesting about me:

This quote describes it all.

I know enough to know I know nothing. - A wise man

Help I need?

It would be helpful if someone helped me fast-track learning React and make an app around Machine learning models.

Does anyone know how to encrypt data in a database?

How to contact me?

  • LinkedIn
  • email-


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.