Aman Pandey

Hi! I am Aman Pandey, a beginner, who’s currently learning CSS and JavaScript along with building few projects. Let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a newbie who graduated last year, and currently learning web development. I’ve always been enthusiastic about tech, and websites in particular. I was really interested in learning web development when I was in college, but because of lack of proper guidance, I couldn’t decide my domain. I started learning it a few months ago and I am absolutely loving everything about it. Currently I am learning about CSS frameworks and JavaScript basics. Even though I am a late bloomer, hopefully I am able to design some really cool websites and build awesome projects soon!

Why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job. As I am learning new things everyday, getting a job would definitely accelerate my learning process and so I hope it could be very beneficial for my, as well as company’s growth.

Something interesting about you?

  • I am RDJ’s and Heath Ledger’s birthday twin. And I am a big fan of those guys. Hence you will see stark and 04 in most of my social media handles.
  • I love single player video games, especially open-world.
  • I used to secretly hate my surname. It’s not a secret anymore!
  • I am a boxing enthusiast as well.

Help I need?

As I am a beginner, there are very few problems I face that I can’t search about on the internet, since Tanay and his team has provided really good resources to learn. But it would be great if someone can give me productivity tips. However, as I move forward in my journey, I’ll raise a PR if I face any problem in future.

How to contact me?


Not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.


Same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.