Shoaib Sayyed

Hi! I am Shoaib Sayyed, a MERN Stack Developer(Learning) who loves to create beautiful design and experinces.


I am currently pursuing BCA (Final Year) from GHRIIT Nagpur. Although, I love to learn and play around with different technologies in order to create amazing products.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a JOB in June 2020. This challenge helps me to showcase my skills and pasion and hepls me to get a good JOB.

something interesting about you?

I am a very good Football Player.

help I need?

It would be good if someone guides me with Firebase(like Authentication) and React.

how to contact me?


1. Quote - Share Your Thoughts

Hello, Quote App is a Multi-user Web App where user can share Quotes with each other. I have created this project using MERN Stack. In this app, User can Create, Like, Comment and Share their Posts. It has features like Follow and Unfollow other users, Deleting Your Posts and Comments and also user can Update their Profile.

  • Frontend: React, React-Router, React-Router-DOM, React-Hooks
  • Backend: Node, Express
  • Database: MongoDB Atlas
  • Deployed On: Heroku
  • Packages: Mongoose, jsonwebtoken, bcrypt.js, moment, etc..

I will add more project in this section soon. Keep Checking Please…


- 8 Must Know Javascript Array Methods

Hello, I wrote my first blog on “8 Must Know Javascript Array Methods”. The reason behind I choose this topic is whenever I do programming Javascript, I always encountered arrays and use any array method. So I thought why not make a of Array Methods that I used generally while programming. That is why came up this blog.

check out the blog here..

- 9 Tricks To Write Less JavaScript.

Hello, This is my second blog on “9 Tricks To Write Less JavaScript”. In this blog I came up with some methods to reduce the code like Ternary Operator, Template Literals, Arrow Function, etc. According o me, these all are some techniques to write less number of code which helps in many ways.

check out the blog here..

- Styling in React

Hello, This is my third blog on “Styling in React”. In this blog, I have wriiten all the methods along with code snippets and explantion to add styles to your React App. The following are the methods Inline Style, CSS-IN-JS(styled-component package), Using App.css/App.scss File and Using Module.css style method.

check out the blog here..

I will add more blogs in this section soon. Keep Checking Please…

why I like JavaScript over other languages

description I love writing code in JavaScript. It has simple code format and also it runs directly on web browser which helps me to boost my productivity. And also the fact that we can use JavaScript in any field of the application.