Sarulatha Annadurai

Hi! I am an aspiring web developer pursuing 3rd year of computer science engineering from UCEK ,Tamil Nadu.


I am a complete beginner who had always wanted to learn web and app development and the first step I took is to participate in job challenge.By participating in this challenge,I can definitely see difference in myself that I can host sites,write blogs and more.Below is the list of projects and blogs for this challenge

I would like to enhance my knowledge in web development by learning MERN stack.I can learn things easily and carry out well.I am passionate and will work hard till I reach my destination.

why are you taking this challenge?

I would like to work in MERN stack.Though I am a beginner I believe that I could take part in this challenge and complete it successfully that will definitely boost my confidence level.And,I am willing to work as an intern to observe the work environment and learn how to work in a firm.

something interesting about you?

I can draw well .I love to dance and hear music.

help I need?

I would appreciate if I get someone to clear my doubts and explain me exact technical stack that is neede to implement for an application.

how to contact me?


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Billing App: calculates bill amount

description Can be used in petty shops where there is a need to calculate amount

stack Made in React with css.

hosted link

github link

Lyric Finder

description Can give lyrics for thousands of songs.

stack React,REST api,bootstrap

hosted link

github link

Quiz App

description A quiz app on javascript which may help yourself tune for an interview.

stack React,bootstrap

hosted link

github link

Dictionary App

description A site where you can get meaning for thousands of words

stack React,bootstrap,google Dictionary Api

hosted link

github link

Weather App

description A site where you can get wheather updates and get weather conditions in any location.

stack React,bootstrap,OpenWeatherMap Api

hosted link

github link


Fetch api using axios and fetch api

description Explained how we can work with api in react

hosted link

How to use map() reduce() and filter() ?

description Explained how to work with arrays in javascript using these methods

hosted link

How to overcome Imposter Syndrome?

description Here I shared my own experience on how I overcame Imposter Syndrome

hosted link

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