Mustafa Saifee

Hi! I am Mustafa Saifee, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a very community person. I like to network with real people. LinkedIn is where I am most active at. I enjoy DevOps and Cloud Computing stuff because I find it very easy to grasp. Simple

Website Certifications Blogs Resume Workshop and Events

why are you taking this challenge?

  • Learn -> Become the Best -> Mentor -> Learn
  • I need an internship in July 2020.
  • I wish to solve problems that would sound impossible in general, and then become a superhero by solving it.

something interesting about you?

I have mentored 1500+ students to get started with Cloud Computing. I am just too crazy about the developments revolving around cloud technologies.

help I need?

  • Get hired to actually learn how it’s done in the live environment
  • To be the best most significant opensource contributor in the country(and I am entirely noob at opensource contribution as I lack a starting point)
  • Work at a product based company

how to contact me?


My projects:

Work in Progress
Work in Progress
Work in Progress


Hosting your resume on Microsoft Azure | Code deployment on Github | HTML-CSS Resume and CV

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on Microsoft Azure and connect/access it on Windows Desktop

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

description I haven’t yet tried the platform. But I will surely update this once I get used to the platform.


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