
Hi! I am Rohan Kokane, a tech enthusiast really loves building web projets where I can instantly see things building up.


Now I am in Third Year of bachelors in Computer Engineering.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to get a real industrial internship where I can push myself everyday to build new projects and learn new tech. I really love coding and wants to build projects that can have a positive impact on the society.

something interesting about you?

I like to watch old classic movies. Sometimes like to write a litte bit and I have good communcation and leadership skills.

help I need?

I need a mentor, someone who would show me the right path to learn new tech and frameworks.

how to contact me?


My projects:

Covid-19 Awareness Portal

description In this global pandemic situation Let’s be aware and not scared! A complete responsive web application where our college could conduct various activities for students in this quarantine. As of now there is pictorial awareness quiz upon submitting one can also earn certificate and it will be mailed by PHP mailer. A Wall of Unsung Heores, the people who are helping the needy ones through their small acts of kindness can share there stories and ideas by uploading posts on this wall. A small effort to spread positivity amid this lockdown.

stack Frontend with HTML, CSS and Javascript and PHP for backend with mySQL for Database.

hosted link

github link

To do list

description A to-do application helps in organizing work better, where we can add list of tasks to do and upon completion can mark it as completed and also we can clear a particular task as well as the entire list. Built this one to learn Javascript

stack HTML, CSS and Javascript

hosted link

github link

Pyhton Covid-19 cases notification system

description A Web scraping project built in python using BeautifulSoup4 library. The program fetches data of Covid-19 cases in India from official website of MOHFW and pushes the notification with realtime Total number of positive cases, deaths, recoveries of the particular state on certain interval of time.

stack Python, BeautifulSoup4

hosted link Not hosted

github link Will update soon


I have not started with the blogs yet but I have few ideas in mind, will update soon.

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

description I will write something really nice here so that you feel like reading my blog.
