Reha Santiago

Hi! I am Reha Santiago let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I’m a computer science student, interested in fullstack development and proficient in python and javascript

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job. I want to learn and grow as a developer.

something interesting about you?

I can sing and dance really well.

help I need?

I need help to learn more in depth about graphql and gatsby.

how to contact me?


My projects:

Pizza ordering chatbot

description Would you like to order pizza by chatting with a bot? Check out my bot which orders delicious pizzas for you. It also stores all the orders in a mongodb database and gives the status of your order

stack Made with dialog flow, Node js, Express(backend), Botcopy, React, Mongodb

hosted link

github link

Come fix me (Also won the most innovative solution in bitcamp 2019)

description A system for citizens to register pothole issues. User clicks a photo of the pothole and registers an issue in the app.The photo is then uploaded to the firebase database along with other information like GPS coordinates etc.A script checks if pothole is present. If a pothole is detected, he estimated area is calculated, else the user’s issue is rejected. After successful detection, details are sent to government officials. Once the officials claim that they have fixed the pothole, the user gets a notification and they can close their issue.

stack Android, Firebase, YOLO, Opencv, Tensorflow

hosted link

github link

Maths on the go

description A maths quiz application that consists of various levels and each level consists of different categories

stack React, Redux, Express, Node, Mongodb

hosted link

github link

Book store

description A book store application where you can add or get different books,their authors,genre etc

stack React, Express, Graphql, Mongodb

github link

Projects plan

description A simple application to keep a track of projects of all the registered users. It also gives real time notifications if a user registers or if a new project is created.

stack React, Redux, Firestore, Firebase

hosted link

github link

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

description GraphQL solves both over-fetching and under-fetching issues by allowing the client to request only the needed data. Because of this graphql is much faster.