Rahul Aluru
Hi! I am Rahul Aluru, I am a Senior year B.Tech student at KMIT. I am a Full Stack Developer.
I am an aspiring individual who has a passion for problem-solving. I thrive to make my work more efficient and provide better solutions by day.
why are you taking this challenge?
->I am looking for a job in a product based technology company as an SDE.
-> This challenge might be a good way for me to work on new technologies and solve some problems.
something interesting about you?
I read a lot about historical events, it might be of 9th century or it might be an event that happend in recent history I try to cover it all as I explore, also historical documentaries interest me. I can play keyboard piano and learning to play a guitar.
help I need?
It would be great if someone reviews my work which would help me make it more efficient and clean.
how to contact me?
I have worked on quite a few projects as I learn new technology in college and some on my own.
My projects:
- Keeper App.
- Tackl
Keeper App: A replica of Google Keep
description This is a note-taking service.
stack Made with MERN Stack.
hosted link coming up
github link https://github.com/rahulaluru1/keepapp
Tackl: App that helps you tackle emergencies.
description This is an application which guides to safety incase of an emergency. The emergency can be anything from a day-to-day emergency as a health problem or a zombie apocalypse, the app safeguards people.
_stack- React Native.
hosted link coming up soon github link https://github.com/rahulaluru1/tackl_app
I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.