Purva Sheth

Hi! I am Purva Sheth. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors of Technology in Computer Engineering from Pune Institute of Computer Technology. I am in my final year and hoping exams get cancelled. xD


I was very confused career wise for a long time. I tried a lot of different things without conviction. I have gotton my hands dirty with HPC ( High Performance Computing ), ML and also Android Development. Sometimes I also feel I have given academics more time then needed. Anyways, I always loved coding, and so far React is one of the best things I have learned. As soon as I understood basics I fell in love with it and my confusion of “what to do” in life was cleared. I want to be a FE.

why are you taking this challenge?

Mostly to build my profile. This challenge will keep me motivated. I know I am starting late. Better now than never.

something interesting about you?

My surname is different on different platforms. Its “shet” for my gmail (ppl love to pronounce it in different ways xD). We had it changed later to “sheth”. Also, people may find this annoying rather than interesting but I love doing homework (especialy, when I understand or want to understand what was taught in detail). I believe it helps in retaining the concept. Plus if its coding, its fun :). I guess you could call me thorough.

help I need?

I think Tanay Pratap already has it covered. :) Sunny Puri also started interview prep today (btw was amazing) so I guess I need to figure out rest on my own.

how to contact me?


Phone no - 77984546975


I will keep updating it with real links when done.


Same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.