
Software Developer, but wait let me take you through the profile bit by bit.


Engaging, dedicated, creative computer science professional. Seeking to leverage exemplary problem solving, analytical skills and coding skills. Working at AppPerfect Solution in Udaipur

why are you taking this challenge?

I am looking forward for better opportunities to learn more and to have a growth in skills

something interesting about you?

I have played Asian Chess Championship quite a few years ago (when i was in school) and also played in college.

help I need?

I am learning to expand my knowledge more on whole MERN stack.

how to contact me?


I will keep updating it with real links when done. My Projects:

  • Attendance App (Current)
  • Minimal optimal connectivity of rural roads
  • Disease Prediction using Machine Learning
  • Shopkeeper App
  • The Lakecity Directory (2012 – 2013) [Founded by me when I was in 10th standarad]

Minimal optimal connectivity of rural roads

description Project by ISRO, to find shortest distance between villages to help during during flood times and other conditions

stack Made with Python with libraries on Jupyter

Disease Prediction using Machine Learning

description Web-app which helps you to identify disease. It allows the user to select symptoms from a list. Base don the selection it checks through the data we got from Kaggle and displays the top 3 disease which could be possible. Further, providing the faciltiy to check the hospital, doctos and patients around them.

stack Django Framework, Python

Shopkeeper App


  • Allowing shopkeepers to manage accounts and their bills.
  • User can store the amount of their customer with name or mobile no. and can settle the amount later.
  • Sends a message to the customer about the current purchase and the total amount due.

stack Android Studio, Java

The Lakecity Directory


  • A website launched in 2012 which focused on advertising the shops, cafes, restaurants, gyms and hospitals and also special campaign service available for the merchants.
  • It focused on the promotion of shops and other stores in the city.

stack Dreamviewer


Will soon start writing them. Check this page to find out later on.