Pravesh Vyas

Hi! I am Pravesh vyas.


I create nice web experiences for the next generation of consumer-facing companies

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to learn.

something interesting about you?

Theres nothing, Like that.

help I need?

It would be good if someone tells me how to implement AR and VR in Web effiectively.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

Corundum Craft

description This Project Incorporate the Tribal Art with Mordern E-commerce Industry. stack Made out of wordpress. hosted link

github link Code not hosted Publically as of now.


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

description Bcoz It basically reduces the amount of resources need to query out things. Not as effective on small project as hyped up.
