Prateek Saini

Hi! I am Prateek Saini let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I’m a final year Computer science and engineering student . I was starting Web Development projects last month but I am also have interest in the field of AI and game development.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to learn and make good projects, write blogs and get recommendations from industrial experts, getting feedbacks and improve my coding skills.

something interesting about you?

I like to play computer games sudoku game and .

help I need?

It would be good if someone tells me how to do backend works for my projects.

how to contact me?


I have done projects along side with learning technologies some of them are:


description This is the website which helps developers or programmers to learn Array Methods with the new interesting way.This web app creates awareness towards developers who don’t know the actual functionality of the Methods which they are using in their daily coding problems.

stack Made in React,Javascript and CSS. This is written in React.

hosted link

github link

Currency Converter

description In this web app ,users is available to convert currencies like USD to INR or something else .Best part of this app is that it always show the real time currency rate using some fetch Api .it also supports swapping like to swap INR to USD or USD to INR.

stack Made in React and CSS,fetching data using

hosted link

github link

Portfolio Website

description It is the portfilio website in which I show case my all the project which i have made in this challenge or in the past.Best part of this website is that it is totally made using Gastby,React and little bit of Css.

stack Gastby and React

hosted link

github link


same as projects,I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

Best Way to Learn something New

description In this blog I explain the golden circle rule which is very important is our career as well as in our life. We have to always ask three question with ourself when you are trying or learning something new eg. WHAT ,WHY and HOW
