Piyush Mahapatra

Hi! I am a Piyush, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


Biotech grad who has learnt almost everything by experiments and analysis.I am a sucker for things that happen in the Cross-Domain of SCIENCE AND SOFTWARES.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to learn and Tanay Sir is cool.Don’t want to miss anything :)

something interesting about you?

I brainstorm atleast 5 Ideas everyday.I am a Polyglot.

help I need?

It would be good if someone guides me to figure out what should be learnt since the technologies out there is overwhelming and i get burned out sometimes.

how to contact me?


I have done few small projects ,not great ,just some basic REST-APIs and vaniila JS,I will update it soon

My projects:

binder: tinder for books

description do you wish to meet people who have read the same book so that you can talk hours about the same book? Try this.

stack Made in React with hooks and context. This is written in typescript. Backend is powered by Express and MongoDB.

hosted link

github link

another project




same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

some basic articles on CSS,HTML and How i got started

description I have written some articles in LinkedIn pulse.
