Parimal Najan

Hi! I am Parimal Najan, Here is a short introduction to my work.


Im a final year grad student studying computer science, working towards becoming an adept web developer.

why are you taking this challenge?

Im looking for an intership in July 2020, and this challange is the perfect form of motivation needed to study enough to be eligible for one. moreover woking under mentors and the telegram community seems fun and convenient.

something interesting about you?

I have spent more hours in Dota than id like to admit, love christopher nolan movies, and stand ups!

help I need?

Iā€™d like someone to simplify for me advanced CSS or bootstrap/eqivalent as it feels quite a daunting task to master CSS.

Beyond that id like some guidance with intermediate Javascript and ReactJs to create good projects as per industry standards.

how to contact me?


Will update with new projects as they are completed.


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.