Meghna Varma

Hi! I am Meghna, please help me walk you through my profile :)


I am currently pursuing bachelor’s in Computer Science Engineering and will be completing graduation in the year 2021. In order to be done with some good projects, I am learning web development.

why are you taking this challenge?

To come out of the comfort zone of completing one project in two months and increase my productivity so that I end up being better every single day!

something interesting about you?

I have much interest in sketching, cooking, singing, dancing, teaching and practicing problem solving on HackerRank!

help I need?

It would be great if someone helps me on how I can keep myself motivated to complete five projects within deadline ie. June 30th.

how to contact me?


These are some of the small projects I’ve built in the past few months:

My projects:

Tell Me This

This is a react based qusetion-answer game that gives your report in the end.

  • You can find it here
  • Github repo can be found here


This, again, is a react based application, where I got to learn about context-api and its amazing combo with react hooks. This project uses local-strorage to retain book-data even after a refresh.

  • You my find it here
  • Github repo can be found here

Youtube Clone

Again, a react application where I got to learn about fetching and receiving data asynchronously via the youtube-API.

  • You may find it here
  • Github repository can be found here

Movie Magic

In the react project, I got to learn about react-hooks and build better concepts regarding async-await. I tried to play a little bit with CSS though ;)

  • You can see it here
  • Github repo to this can be found here

Burger Builder

I’ll be frank about this. I built it prior to the job challenge following a Udemy course. It is a full-fledged react project which helped me build my basics aroud web development with react.

  • You may witness it here
  • Github repo to this can be found here


I never thought that blog-writing could be fun, but, it really was :)

What in earth do these .call(), .apply() and .bind() methods do ?

I really enjoyed documenting it… I’ve tried my best to make it interesting to read for beginner programmers.

It can be found here

Capturing and Bubbling ? No! Bungee Jumping

Lame caption, I know, but the content is relatable. I’ve tried to relate concepts with real-life fundas.

It can be found here

Parameters ? Arguments ? Were they ever different ?

When I started learning to code, I struggled a lot in understanding the difference between the two. So, I thought, I shoud try explaining the difference my own way!

It can be found here