Sanket Manmode

“Hello World!!” this is Sanket Manmode, a amateur Web Developer.


I am a student from MIT College of Engineering, Pune currently in the final year of my engineering. I love problem solving and front end development. I am very excited to join this challenge.

why are you taking this challenge?

To be precise for the Job. But I am also cherishing the opportunity that I will learn new technologies along the way.

something interesting about you?

Love football and watching movies and tv shows.

help I need?

I need to improve my Data Structure, algorithm and problem solving skills.

how to contact me?


I have done following projects

Sorting Visualizer

  • Built VanillaJS application for sorting visualization.
  • Implemented Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort
  • Stack : Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS
  • Github
  • Website

Pathfinder Visualizer

  • Built a React application for pathfinding visualization.
  • Implemented dijkstra algorithm, depth first search algorithm and used react hooks.
  • Will be adding more features over time.
  • Stack : ReactJS, CSS
  • Tools: Parcel, ESLint, Prettier.
  • Github
  • Website

Beautiful Places

  • Build a React application which shows the places I found beautiful.
  • Used Firebase for storage and hosting.
  • Stack: ReactJS, CSS, HTML
  • Tools: Parcel, ESLint, Prettier.
  • Github
  • Website


Never wrote one. But I will definitely love to do this.