Karan Mittal


Hey I’m Karan, a 2nd year student at VIT pursuing his in IT. I’m a tech enthusiast.A student web-developer by day and a competitive coder by night.

why are you taking this challenge?

The Main reason to why i am taking this challenge is to see if I can push myself enough in 1 month to finish this challenge. I need an internship in JUNE 2020. I want to learn.

something interesting about you?

Well I like to watch movies and vibe with punjabi/bollywood music.

help I need?

I would be needing a lot of help because I literally will be learning js from scratch in this 1 month. So I’ll just ping in the tanay pratap group if I have any issues.

how to contact me?


Not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects: