Aaquib Ahmed

Hi! I am Aaquib Ahmed , pursuing my b-tech from Bangalore Institute of Technology. I am also a freelancer blogger, graphics designer and web developer. link


I am currently working as FrontEnd Developer in Skimbox, from my freshman year I started working as part time blogger and content writer through which I also oppurtunity to work in different domains like SEO and Social Media Marketing, but I always had love for coding, I used to code simultaneously on HACKERANK, then finaly in my third year I started working on small web projects and started doing my Freelancing job.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job where I not only enjoy working on different stacks but growing my skills parallely. I feel this platform will provide me with lots of opportunity and experiences like no other, I would be learning so much from it.

something interesting about you?

I not only code but also love to design, I know Photoshop and Canva too and in my college I used to make posters for clubs and Fest.

help I need?

I would love to get help in learning react, some topics like Context API and Redux bugs me out, I would be very happy if I could share the journey with.

how to contact me?


I have done lot of projects and small web pages, I would love to mention some here,

My projects:


description It is a ToDo app that let’s you save your daily goals, it uses your browser local storage so that next time you visit it still have your list .

stack HTML, CSS and Vanila JS

hosted link

github link

ChatCord App

description Realtime chat app with websockets using Node.js, Express and with Vanilla JS on the frontend with a custom UI!!.

stack HTML, CSS, Node Js and

github link

My Own Portfolio

description I have made my own portfolio so that any company or person can directly see my work insted of going through resume and it also provide me online presence.

stack HTML, CSS, Vanila JS and Bulma(CSS Framework)

hosted link

github link

Convid-weather App

description I have made a small Convid and Weather app through which one can find weather of different cities and i have also inculded database of number of cases in india in .csv file and when a usewr search a state, he gets the data of that state (this projects is till in process as i am also trying to include login authentication using redux).

stack React js, CSS, Bulma(CSS Framework) and firebase

github link


I have been blogging for last 3 years, I am ghost writer who writes for other people. But I have started to write my blog too on Linkedin, and soon I will publish my blog on medium too. Here are my some articles which I published on linkedin.

Understanding web layout and your introduction to CSS Grid

description As a Front-end developer its is very important to understand the structure of your webpage, I have tried to explain the layout system including Why CSS Grid is so popular layout system, I hope you like it 😊 !!!


Understanding and Getting comfortable with Git

description When it comes to development, stack changes but there is one thing which remains constants that is GIT, it has revolutionized the development field, I tried to give a small introduction of git and included small cheat sheet. I hope you like the article.
