Kaushal Koladiya

Hi! I am Kaushal Koladiya, I’m final year BCA student and self learner.


I graduated from High School for the Gifted and got into a Veer Narmad South Gujarat University because I think 3-year study at this university would prepare me well.

why are you taking this challenge?

I am looking for job.In other words I’m hungry for new knowledge and technologies.

something interesting about you?

Like to watch technology video. Listening music like pop, rock, etc. Good catch up power to anything new.

help I need?

I have little bit knowledge about API but I wanna learn more about it.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

TODO App in Flask

description It is a normal news app by using API.

stack React

hosted link

github link

Blog App in Python/Django




I will add more once I’m done with my blog


why I like Javascript over other languages

description I like Javscript because the main advantage is, it is a fullstack language. First I learn PHP-Laravel and it has coolest things and features, but laterally I watch a React live session on Youtube which is Tanay Pratap’s than i realised PHP was my mistake but now my main focus on React.