Karthik Raji

Hi! I am Karthik, I have got 1.5 years of professional work exprerience mostly worked on javascript and Angular. Now lets see if I can impress you with my profile


I’ve got a deep fascination with all things related to tech, I’m passionate about web development. I want to build a career that I’m proud of in the long run.

why are you taking this challenge?

I love a good challenge and these challenge seems like an awesome place to show off my skills and get some exposure. i’ll take this challenge to boost my MEAN/MERN stack knowledge.

something interesting about you?

An avid learner and love to work with Experienced Developers to gain more Knowladge.

help I need?

It would be good if someone tells me how to work with Database and backend .

how to contact me?


1) UiGenaratorKit

All In One latest Trending UI - Generator-Kit Application.

about the application

UiGenaratorKit is multi-featured application that helps designers and developers to choose (copy css code) or download their own color palettes , linear-gradient as Images as well and soft-ui Genarator (latest ui-design pattern ) for their next successful project. It has a collection of fresh palettes created and liked by users everyday.

It’s a Recreation of colorhunt, neumorphism,ui gradient apps which i made in node and ejs.

Applink :uigenaratorkit gitlink :githubLink

  1. Neumorphism (or) Soft UI Generator.

    1. Copy Css Code by one tap on the color.
  2. LinearGradient Generator.

    1. Copy Css Code by one tap on the color.
    2. Download As Image
  3. Color Palette Generator Two Types Of Palette Genarator (custom and Random)

    1. Copy Css Code by one tap on the color.
    2. users able to like the palette.
    3. sort palettes by likes and time (createdAt)
    4. Download As Image. Popular socialmedia colors (copy code and downloadable).

Tech Stack

  • serverside Rendering (nodejs & ejs) ;
  • bootstrap 4.3

2) covid19

Covid-19 tracker Application is Graphical representation of statistics Live Data fetching From (

Applink :Covid-19 Tracker Application gitlink :githubLink

  1. Search By Country Name.
  2. Graphical representation.

Tech Stack

HTML,CSS,Bootstrap4 Vennila Javascript


Not a big blogger but I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.