Jerin George

Hi! I am Jerin George and I am in my final year of college pursuing Btech in Information Science from PES University South Campus Bangalore.Love problem solving and seeing ideas come to life by building them through code.


I love developing web and mobile applications,familiar and well versed with frameworks like REACT NATIVE||ReactJs||ExpressJs||NodeJs.Love challenging tasks and problem solving ,if given an oppurtunity would love to build applications that solve real world problems.

Why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job as i will be graduating July 2020.

I want to learn and be part of the dev community find mentors who could help me in my journey to becoming a great developer.

I also want to know more about Open Source development and would like to contribute in future as most of the things i have learnt has been with the help of Open source software.

something interesting about you?

If I am not coding ,I am reading books on economics and finance,reading about dispruptive technologies like blockhain,love playing chess and discussing football.

help I need?

I am looking to explore alternative to REST APIS like GraphQL,so guidance in that would be appreciated.

how to contact me?


Few Projects I have built. Will be updating projects as and when I am done.

My projects:

A Social Networking Website

Description: Often People are confused as to which project would help them cover most frontend and backend skills together in one project.I found a simple social networking web application helped me cover most frontend and backend skills and was also a lot of fun in building this application.This application allows users to make an account,signin,follow/unfollow other users,view and comment on their posts.

Stack: MERN stack.Frontend was developed with the help of REACTJS framework.Backend was developed with ExpressJs and NodeJs.MongoDb was used as the database Used the mongodb atlas which is the mongodb cloud service.

Hosted link : Not hosted currently

Github link:

Bug tracking Software


A web application aimed at keeping a record of Bugs raise by developers ,Developers can raise issues ,assign it to other developers,Issues can be closed once its fixed.Bulding this application was mainly focused around the fact of getting familiar with pure Javascript before getting into a particular framework.

Stack: HTML,CSS and vanillaJs ,mainly a frontend application.Data is stored in the browsers local storage.

Hosted link : Not hosted currently

Github link:

Simple React-Native application and Authentication with firebase

Description: Mobile application built with React Native ,which demonstrates simple authentication ,Users are authenticated with firebase api. Stack: React-Native ,Firebase

Github link:


Worked at a startup for 7 months were I worked on a co-working mobile application.The application was built with REACT NATIVE ,I was involved throughout the process from production to development.

Roles and Responsibilties: Included building frontend User interfaces on react native ,leveraging 3 party APIS, and building RESTful APIS to connect to the backend.

Playstore link:


Will be putting up blogs soon!!!