Jasbindar Singh

Hi, I am a final year CS student, who loves creating and developing new things, a seft-taught frontend developer and musician.


Hi, I am a final year CS student, who loves creating and developing new things, a seft-taught frontend developer and musician. I have done two internship one remote and the other one onsite. The first one we used ReactJs and Firebase to create a e-commerce site, the second one was with Persistent Systems Ltd, Nagpur where we were trained in JAVA, Angular, RestFul Apis, HTML + CSS + JavaScript and where ready to be alloted project but then COVID-19 situation happened and instead we were given assignments to complete. I also play guitar, can beat-box and draw but these are secondary, and comes after coding which I love the most.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job.

something interesting about you?

I play fingerstyle guitar and can beat-box, now trying my hands on to brew both together.

help I need?

I need help in async Redux, and backend development with NodeJS.

how to contact me?


My projects:

JazzColor: Fancy Animated WebApp using anime.js

description A fancy animated Random Color Picker webapp using anime.js. Used anime.js for animations, CSS variables and localStorage for dark mode and CSS clip-path to create the color pallete and svg for the splash screen.

stack Made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript

hosted link Not Hosted

github link

FlappyBird Clone using JavaScript and HTML5 canvas.

description An famous android game, flappy bird clone using web technologies.

stack JavaScript, HTML5, CSS

hosted link Not Hosted

github link

Cricket Team Maker

description A cricket team maker with the selected players.

stack AngularJS

hosted link Not Hosted

github link


not written any, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

description I will write something really nice here so that you feel like reading my blog.
