Varun Vaibhav

Hello, I am Varun Vaibhav and thank you for your time to review my Introduciton, Project and Blog.


I am a 2nd year Computer Science Engineering student. I find technology most intriging part of my life and i’m really keen to learn as much as i can to provide the best solution to existing problems. Before getting into programming i used to write blogs about phone and pc-build(but the site is shutdown due to domain issues). I worked as an intern at a start-up for designing the UI and creating database schema for a logistic management desktop application. I am currently contributing to open-source projects like Blogman, BookUploaderBot2

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship at a product based in summer break, so that could learn more about industry grade projects best practices followed by them and improve my skill set.
It would be amazing to contribute to a product based company’s project which i serving some purpose.

something interesting about you?

Technology is pretty much what i like to do, talk or think about. Started from being fascinated by video games, i started exploring it in a little depth. Since then i’ve always been updated with the latest big thing released in tech-industry. I first time got my hands on C++ in 11th standard but the education system only care about the syllabus and the rank, so getting away with that i learned python after 12th standard and got an intership because of that which might not be a big deal but was a pretty great achievment for me. And further all i am doing is exploring technology(different platforms) and improve myself.

help I need?

It would be great if i get some guidance in the journey of MERN stack projects.

how to contact me?


Github Finder (Currently working)

description : It uses github api to fetch the information of any github user publicly available and presents you in centralized manner. This a React Application(trying to implement redux right now). github link :

Logistic Management System - (Internship)

description : Completely based on client’s requirement the application was tunned to automate the billing and taxation process to make the process convinient for the company. So they work more and worry less about the paper work ang log. I was responsible to deliver user-friedly UI for the application, efficient relational database models and implementing the business logic for the Desktop Application. github link : Not accessible to me either.

You can see my contributions on github and more projects are coming soon.


As i mentioned my blog site isn’t running anymore. But i’ll try to provide some sample draft if i’m able to find any.