Gunesh Shanbhag

Hi! I am Gunesh Shanbhag let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am currently a Mentor at GSSoC 2020 thereby helping newbies contribute to FOSS. My current Tech Stack revolves around Python (Django | Flask) & ML. I have also started learning React.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in June 2020. I want to learn.

something interesting about you?

I am a youtuber and I create videos on Data Science, Matplotlib etc. P.S. I am a Goan and I am planning to take my (existing + future) friends to GOA. ;)

help I need?

It would be great if someone tells me how to be more productive.

how to contact me?


I have some old projects complete, I will be updating when New Projects get stable & complete.

My projects:

NGO Free Food App

description This App was created to provide Free Food to Poor by connecting Ngo’s and to contribute people. This app was built during a Hackathon.

stack Backend made in Laravel php framework. Frontend is Android app. Backend is powered by Mysql db.

hosted link

github link


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.