Gourishankar Bansode

Hello! I’m Gourishankar Bansode , here’s my intro.


I am a Third year B.Tech CSE student, who’s mostly self taught. I like trying a lot of different tech. I can call myself expert with django for backend.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want a job at a product based company. I’m also looking forward to get analysed with this challenge I want to make things and also connect to like minded people.

something interesting about you?

I’m more design person. I have good knowledge of photoshop and Illustrator. Still I preffer black pages and pencile to make my initial prototype.

help I need?

I need more depth knowledge about backend. And I’m also new to MERN stack, so I’ll be needing help with it.

how to contact me?


Projects are on the way…for the job challenge. Check my GitHub for previous projects. the repository I will upload the project is jobchallenge


NO BLOGS WRITTEN YET!! I’ll upload at Blogs