Gourav Ganguly

Hi! I am Gourav Ganguly. Let me show you who I am.


I am a final year Software Engineering student at Athlone Institute of Techonology, Ireland.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job in May 2020. I want to make new projects and learn opensource.

something interesting about you?

I like playing Table Tennis. Someday I want to challenge Tanay Pratap and win.

help I need?

I want to learn some complicated DevOps and Linux Scripting for it.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

OpenWeatherApp: A Weather Forecast Application

description I have made a weather forecast application using Openweathermaps API.

stack Made using HTML/CSS and Vanilla JS.

hosted link

github link

Grid Calculator: A dark themed calculator

description I have made a responsive wesbite using media queries explaining CSS Grids and a calculator in the center of it.

stack HTML/CSS and Vanilla JS.

hosted link

github link


I haven’t written a blog yet. I will write it soon.