
Hi, my name is Gokul Kannambally Balachandran. I am an undergrad student at Opole university of Technology, Opole, Poland. I have done projects using python,java and c++ in the past, but currently I am in my transition towards becoming a javascript developer. I use Tanay Prataps videos and other online docs for achieving the same.


I like to play football and to read fictions especially from Lee Child. I like to cook and hangout with family and friends.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an Internship in June 2020. I want to learn new technologies from people who are highly successful at their profession and also to improve my skills going through industrial challenges.

something interesting about you?

I can speak Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, English, Polish and a bit of German.

help I need?

It would be helpful if you guide me process of building api using node, connecting it to database and also its deployment.

how to contact me?


Did a couple of projects in the past but I will update the links when the new ones are done.


I will add when i am done writing the blogs.