Nitin Sahu

Hello! Nitin Sahu here, here’s a little about me and my work.


The biggest irony of my life is, I am a web developer but spiders scare me.

why are you taking this challenge?

The challenge’s title excited me and here I am. I also want to be more into open-source. Most importantly, I need a Job in June 2020.

something interesting about you?

I can play guitar, I love to cook food. I like to share my technical knowledge on social platforms.

help I need?

I would really appreciate if someone guides me about DevOps.

how to contact me?


A couple of cool projects I made or been a part of. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

MTG: Maths On The Go

description Do you want any kid to love math or do you know someone in the age group of 6-10? Maths On The Go allows them to solve mathematical questions in 120 seconds. Grabs their attention by appreciating them for every correct answer they give.

stack Made in MERN stack. My role in this project was majorly as frontend developer.

hosted link

github link

My Scrapy

description Are you an active medium(online publishing platform) reader? This is for you, medium allows free users only 3-4 articles per month. My Scrapy scrapes the medium article for you also lets you use the audio version article for free.

stack Made in Python and Django.

hosted link

github link

Come Fix Me

description Are you fed up of potholes? Report them with come fix me.

stack Made in python, java, firebase. My role was to create the model for pothole detection and web portal where user reports were listed.

hosted link

github link

Smart Surveillance for museums

description Track the artifacts at your place with this project. If artifact goes missing from the feed or is displaced from original position alarm triggers to notify you.

stack Made in python, YOLO algorithm.

hosted link

github link


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

Mouse control with hand gestures

description Here I have written step by step on how to implement and the working of my project.


Audio Book generator

description Here I have written step by step tutorial on how to make this project.
