Sushil Buragute

👨‍💻Hello, my name is Sushil. I’m a Developer and a self taught Designer. The overlap of design and development has always been fascinating for me since the beginning and that’s when I decided to follow my passion and take a leap in this field!


“If you can do what you do best and be happy, you are further along in life than most people” - Leonardo Dicaprio

This quote from Leonardo really resonated with me, I’ve always had a passion for brainstorming and making about products. I’ve got the ability to pick up things quickly and that has made me an avid problem solver and a quick learner.

what am I learning

Currently I’m working on procuring depth in ReactJS Javascript and then moving onto learning NodeJS and databases. I’ve Invested my time learning Gastby and I ended up making my Portfolio Website on it!

Apart from coding the web, I’m also into UI/UX and I’ve made a concept UX for Instagram and Whatsapp, while highlighting the problems faced by the users! Check it here on Instagram.

Whenever I’m not coding or subconsciously thinking of an Design, I’m either preparing for a hackathon or helping people code on #teamTanay. I’ve taken a couple of webinars for PCCOER’s ACM chapter and look forward to giving more talks on my learning!

why are you taking this challenge?

⚡ I want to procure knowledge about building full fledged Web-Apps and what makes a product tick with the end user. The job challenge is the perfect platform to put your work out there and interact with the #teamTanay community while doing it!

(Also the factor where I like to build new projects and solve problems to get a daily dose of Dopamine and Serotonin)

something interesting about you?

I’ve got quick reflexes and the ability to understand concepts quickly. So whenever it comes to athletics or playing a FPS game like CSGO, I squish the competition. Also I’m fond of Chess, it really pushes my mind to think of the future moves possible and that eventually reflects in my work, thinking a couple of steps ahead to solve problems which will later arise.

help I need?

It would be nice to know about Software Engineering skills, Development Cycle, and finally building full fledged polished Web-apps.

how to contact me?


I’ve done various projects to showcase my variety in skillset! Check them out below:

  1. Covid19-Tracker: Track the Virus!



    description : A single page web-app which shows the current number of cases of covid around the world and country!

    stack : Made with React, Chart.js, Covid API!

    hosted link :

    github link :

  2. 200IQ-Advice: Get widely-accepted Advise


    description : As Rancho famously said in 3 idiots, “Free advice hai. Lena hai toh lo, nahitoh jaane do!“. Made this SPWA for getting my way around using axios and an API!

    stack : Made with React and Advise API!

    hosted link :

    github link :

  3. Cloudy! : Get the current weather updates across the world!


    description : A React app where you can look up the weather of any place in the world! Ps: if you search for a place which has the weather lesser than 16 degrees, you’re in for a treat!

    stack : Made with React and Weather API!

    hosted link :

    github link :

  4. Musical : Tap away and hit a score of 69 to Win


    description : A good old Vanilla JS game where a Maths.random() gives you a score when you tap on a tile! You’re lucky if you get a score of 69 :P

    stack : Made with good old HTML//CSS//JS

    hosted link :

    github link :

  5. Meditation : Wind-down with this soothing Vanilla JS project


    description : Feeling stressed? Take a 3/5/10 minute meditation break where you’ll be playing some rain/waves background music while you focus on your breathing. This is my first project for the jobChallenge!

    stack : Made with good old HTML//CSS//JS

    hosted link :

    github link :


Apart from doing blogs, I do these bite-sized learning posts on Instagram Give it a look too!

  1. The productivity hack which I’ve been lately using.

    description : In this blog I have described the hacks I’ve learnt to get more done through the day!

    hosted link :

  2. How barrier to code has fallen over the years

    description : From requiring a Phd to work on computers to needing an Internet connection. See how it all changed in my article!

    hosted link :

  3. Why I love the cloud!

    description : My take on why everyone should learn the cloud and be empowered by it!

    hosted link :

  4. More Bite-sized learnings on my Instagram!