Md Nawazish Alam

Hello!👋 I’m Md Nawazish Alam, a am web developer. I want to be a great developer like who can able to develop any application someone told me to do,I have done two internship also as a web developer


I’m a final year, electonics and communication student, from bhopal, M.P. TeamTanay introduced me to building things, JobChallenge provided the needed motivation. Now, I can develop applications for the web using JavaScript, with ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, databases like MongoDB and, and loved this wonderful journey and learned lots of new things also

Why are you taking this challenge?

I want a job, where I can work on developing products for users, and learn best coding practices from the people in the industry. Learn the product life cycle and also want to contribute to your company

Something interesting about you ?

usually i confused about my life/career as i have taken the ece also but after finding coding .Its like this is the thing for which i made for.

Help I need? :mag:

I need a driving force and a commmunity which helps and motivates me to develop things.

How to contact me?

My Projects

Instagram clone:

descriptionAn Instagram clone in which one can signup, sign in, forgot password, upload pictures, create a post, like a post, comment on a post, follow user, unfollow them and see the all posts as well as following users post

stack | NodeJS | MongoDB | ContextAPI| React | Express | Nodemailer |

Live Demo

Github Repository


description A app where one create ,edit and delete personal profile, eduction, experience, skills and see the repos of user and then can create, edit,delete post as well as comment in the other post and like also and there is full functionality of authentication.

stack | NodeJS | MongoDB | Redux| React | Express |

Live Demo

Github Repository

Blog Mern

description An app where one can signup and then log in and can create a post, edit, delete the post as well as categories, and like and comment in the post and see the post related to a particular category..

stack | NodeJS | MongoDB | Redux| React | Express |

Live Demo

Github Repository


descriptionAn app in which one can log in and signup and can create a product and add the product to the cart and do a checkout and can do payment with stripe also and can see the all products ordered and invoice in the ordered product

stack | NodeJS | MongoDB | ContextAPI| Stripe API | Express | Nodemailer |

Live Demo

Github Repository


descriptionAn app in which one can find the Github user from GitHub API and can find the repos and find the profile of that particular user using reactjs.

stack | Reactjs |

Live Demo

Github Repository


What is web development? What things learn to become a full-stack developer

A beginners’ guide for understanding Web development

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What is Reactjs ? Why we use it ?

Overview of reactjs and need of it

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Why do I love js ?

Reason to love js

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