Khusharth Patani

Hi! I am Khusharth Patani let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a 3rd year student currently pursuing CSE specialized in Network Security from MIT-ADT School Of Engineering, Pune.

I am a quick learner and always curious to learn about new technologies.

I enjoy the process of creating beautiful websites from designing to deploying it in the end.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in January 2021.

To get out of my comfort zone and improve myself.

something interesting about you?

Other than coding i enjoy drawing and sketching mostly anime characters.

I also have interest in cyber security.

help I need?

It would be helpful if someone can guide me or give some tips on how to prepare for offcampus placements/interviews.

how to contact me?


1. Musology :

A web application where you can search for music, listen to a preview of it and also find its lyrics.

tech stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript

github link:

hosted link:



2. gitpedia

A web application to view a github’s user profile in a more simple and beautiful way. This project has received 80+ stars on github.

tech stack: React, Chat Js, Styled-components

github link:

hosted link:



3. Memoire

A simple memory card game built with React Js and Sass having 3 different themes (Robots, Pokemon and Dogs) to choose from. A user is given 100 sec in which they need to find 8 pairs.

tech stack: React, Saas

github link:

hosted link:



4. geeksnews

A web app that shows the top news related to computer science and entrepreneurship from the Hacker News API.

tech stack: React, Redux, Styled-components

github link:

hosted link:



5. doyouknow

A Quiz web application based on questions related to core subjects in computer science like DBMS, Computer Networks, Operating System and Data Structure and Algorithms.

tech stack: React, Sass

github link:

hosted link:




Write clean CSS code: An introduction to BEM

It is easy to start working with CSS on a small project but as soon as your project starts getting bigger your CSS starts to look messy and maintaining it becomes a huge problem. To solve this problem we use different methodologies like Atomic, OOCSS, SMACSS, BEM, and more from which we will be discussing BEM in this blog.

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Behind the scenes of the internet: How the web works in 5 simple steps.

Whenever you type some website URL in your web browser like or post a story on Instagram or even check your email you are using the internet in one or the other way. But how does this all actually work? There are many things that go behind the scene which we will be discussing in this blog by taking an example of visiting from your browser.

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5 must-know Javascript array methods

Arrays are somethings which are used a lot in the programming world. In javascript, arrays have a lot of powerful methods that we can use to iterate, add, remove, or manipulate the data according to our needs. We will be seeing some of them in this post.

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