tapan chudasama

Hi! My name is Tapan Chudasama. Below you’ll get to know more about me and my skills.


Hi. I am a CS undergrad graduating in 2020. My areas of expertise include Web Development. I also do competitive coding to keep my problem solving skills sharp.

why are you taking this challenge

I need a job in a emerging start-up where I can show my skillset and also learn new and latest technologies to further expand my skillset.

something interesting about you

The prospect of how technology can change lives has always fascinated me which is why I took up CS. And apart from that I am a Gryffindor.

help I need

I want to learn the current trending JS frameworks and it’d be great if someone could guide me along.

how to contact me


Here are all the projects that I have done as a part of TeamTanay Job Challenge.

My projects:

YelpCamp: A photo-sharing website for adventure lovers

description : Do you travel often? Are there times when you want to go to some place for the weekend but you cannot find the place to go? This website will help you. Get ideas for places to go along with your friends for a small adventure.

stack Frontend is just plain HTML/CSS along with some Bootstrap. Backend is powered by Node.js and database used is MongoDB. So to simplify, the stack is MEN.

hosted link

github link

Shrinkerr: Simple URL Shortner

description A simple url shortner made using MERN stack. You can either create your own personalized url with custom slug or get a system generated random alphanumeric ID.

stack Front End is served by React.js, Backend by Node.js. And database used is MongoDB.

hosted link

github link

RGB Color Guessing Game

description A color guessing game with different difficulty modes that gives a random RGB color to guess.

stack React.js

hosted link

github link

Corona Tracker

description A Web App to visualize the situation of Coronavirus in countries all over the world

stack React.js

hosted link

github link

Numbers Trivia: A chrome extension

description Google Chrome extension that gives you new and intresting trivia about numbers that includes dates or any random number.

stack Node.js

hosted link

github link


Below you can find the some blogs that I’ve written. I’ll keep updating them as I write new blogs.

How i created a simple URL Shortner

description A simple URL shortner that is created using MERN stack and deployed on heroku.


How i created a Sudoku Solver

description How i created a sudoku solver using backtracking in python using pygame


SQL and NoSQL databases

description What are SQL and NoSQL databases and when to use which one


How web works

description A detailed note on what happens when you search something in browser
