Harsh Digwani

Hi! I am a Harsh Digwani let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am Harsh Digwani, I have completed my B.Tech Final Year from Medicaps University in 2020 with an overall CGPA of 8.48.
Currently I am involved in learnig and exploring new things and bringing ideas into amazing products.

Along with this challange I got to learn a Lot of stuff :
  1. Brush Up My JavaScript concepts
  2. Learn Reactjs
  3. Learn To Write Test Case and tried TDD
  4. Learn to use git hub effectively
  5. Used Best Practices for backend using Looging, error handling, modularity etc
  6. Learn to use public APIs
  7. Written blogs to share my knowledge and many more…

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to fetch a better JOB opportunity.

something interesting about you?

Got 1st position in Smart India Hackathon 2019 Software Edition in SVCE, Bengalore for the problem proposed by MSME Department of India organised by MHRD.

I am also 3 Star coder and 1600+ rated on Codechef and also participate in regular contests.

help I need?

It would be great if someone help me out in improving my backend skills.

how to contact me?

My Projects


description : Github api based application which show top repositories, profiles, organisation and many more. Gitplus application is build to get more insights from github.

stack : Reactjs, Github REST APIs, Netlify for deployment, HTML, CSS and Flexbox for Responsive Design.

hosted link :

github link :


description : Room chat application based chat application, One chat application is build for group or personal chat and also support for multiple emojis.

stack : Reactjs, Nodejs, ExpressJS, for realtime communication, HTML, CSS and Flexbox for Responsive Design, Netlify for deployment.

hosted link :

github link frontend :

github link backend :


description : Bookmarkit is a progressive web application which save users bookmark and also use to share text between any devices directly.

stack : Reactjs, Nodejs, Firebase firestore for Database, Firebase Auth for Authentication, Firebase storage for storing files on cloud, for realtime communication, HTML, CSS and Flexbox for Responsive Design, Netlify for deployment.

hosted link :

github link :


description : Profile is Blog and Project sharing along with E Resume which sorts the process of applying and filling repeated details

stack : Reactjs, Nodejs, ExpressJS, Authentication, Jest for Unit and Integration Testing, Redux for state management, HTML, CSS and Flexbox for Responsive Design, Netlify for deployment.

hosted link :

github link frontend :

github link backend :

Emophony : Emotion Recognition based Music Recommendation

description : It is a web application which use face emotion recognisation using Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) based deep learning model and recommand some list of songs to user for emotion detected.

stack : Python 3+, Flask Framework for developing API for Deep Learning model, Javascript for making Single Page Application, HTML, CSS and Flexbox for Responsive Design.

hosted link :

github link :

Portfolio v2

description : Updating my protfolio to second version removing the use of bootstrap and now it is build without any CSS Library only using Pure CSS.

stack : HTML, CSS and Flexbox and Media Queries.

hosted link :
Old Version
github link :


“Sharing Knowledge always expands our learning”

5 Things you should use for amazing UI/UX

link :

How to Secure Keys in Reactjs?

link :

Redux vs Context API vs Local Storage

link :