Kanishk Gupta

Ciao! I am Kanishk Gupta a developer, student, and a keen learner. Open source enthusiast and an active contributor to the community. Why wait so let me walk you through my intro and work.

introduction 🔏

MERN stack developer enthusiasts in making projects in JavaScript using stacks like React.js, Gatsby, Express, Node.js, and database using Mongo dB and firebase. I love to participate in Hackathons, contribute to the open-source community and a public speaker.

Yah, I am a Microsoft Student Partner!!!

My Journey to TTJC

Job challenge has been a boon for me as I got an opportunity to become the moderator of this Job challenge. Before JC I was afraid to even push code but now I can blindly do that I am loving it. I reviewed multiple pull requests and that helped me a lot to skill up and learn team management. I have built new connections and been volunteering this community which is itself a win-win. All thanks to Tanay for giving me this opportunity. I contributed to Open-source organizations like Microsoft and Facebook along with this job challenge which itself is a badge for me.


why I am taking this challenge? 🤔💭

Internship! that’s major reason why I am taking up this challenge but apart from that I want to build a strong network as community matters a lot. Filter myself and sharphen my knife because if we don’t sharpen a knife it becomes blunt so I want to be updated.

“Success can cause people to unlearn the habits that made them successful in the first place.”- Satya Nadella

something interesting about me?

I am 6’4” 🕺 tall and everyone calls me lumbo. Being tall is major problem I don’t get clothes of right size though I have to struggle.

Apart from that I am fond of music🎶 and I have more than 12 playlists based on by mood check my spotify playlists here

help I need? ⛑

Apart from building testing is important so I want help in optimizing and testing the applications. If I can get some tips how to cope with and optimize apps.

how to contact me? 📞

projects 👷‍♂️

  • 1. Socio Tub

    Made a social app that can be used for posting updates, comment, and interact similar to twitter, using React as major frontend and Node.js, Express as backend. The database used: firebase. Users can create an account and add details to communicate with each other.

    Stacks React, Node.js, FireBase, Material-UI

  • 2. Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. Used Chuck Norris joke’s API for rendering jokes data on-site. This site is made using React.js, Material-UI as major stacks, and hosted using git and Netlify.

    Stacks React, REST-API, Material-UI

  • 3. Radar Dashboard

    This is a react powered application that I made to brushup my skills in states and props using React-Hooks we can add filters to the radar chart search realtime values and get details of the chart node.

    Stacks React, React-Bootstrap, Hooks, React-Chart.js

  • 4. Guess Karo Test Karo

    Unit testing is the most important thing to be done after creating any application, so here is a game based on that. It is a card game in which users have to guess the frameworks.

    Stacks Vanilla.js, HTML&CSS

  • 5. Hocus Pocus

    I am weak in maths so I am unable to find the right coordinates for my square shape please help me find them. Hocus Focus is a game in which you need to find coordinates for the shape to match with the original value.

    Stacks React, Hooks, Some magic

  • 6. Script Generator

    Script generator is used for generating script or iframe of any website using its metadata which can be integrated inside any HTML code.

    Stacks Vanilla.js, HTML&CSS

  • 7. Personal Blog using Gatsby.js and is an opensource platform used to develop React.js based apps online using its environment. So made a personal blog using Gatsby.js and

    Stacks Gatsby.js,

blogs ✍

Some of the blogs I have written:

  • The Power of Version Control 💪

    Version control is commonly used in software industries for development purposes and management of code, so here is an article on version control, git, tools used, basics of git including branches.

    🎯 June 2nd, 2020

    Find the blog here

  • Alohomora! Open the Blog 📝

    Blogs are the best way to convey what we have learned and whatever we have experienced. So here’s a blog on how and where to write a blog.

    🎯 June 23rd. 2020

    Find the blog here

  • Kickstart to open-source 🌟

    Basically, this blog is all about open source how can one start with OSS if he is a beginner and wants to become an OSS contributor.

    🎯 June 29th, 2020

    Find the blog here

  • The story of TeamTanayJobChallenge 🚉

    TeamTanay JobChallenge has helped many grow themself and have successfully boosted our confidence. I transcripted the entire story of TeamTanayJobChallenge.

    🎯 March 11th, 2020

    Find the blog here

Can check my previous written blogs here and quora profile here