Aditya Pratap Singh Hada

Hi! I am Aditya Pratap Singh Hada studying at shri vaishnav vidyapeeth vishwavidyalaya, Indore. Let me walk you through my journey so far.


I am a third year computer engineering student and Tech enthusiastic skilled in Javascript and C++, experienced in Python.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in 2020 I want to work with mentors and community who are using trending technologies

something interesting about you?

I played football from Indore divison and swimmer from a school team

help I need?

need some help for database management related queries.

how to contact me?


some awesome projects are coming soon here

My projects:

Metal Detector

description Detects Metal using Phone’s magnetometer sensor A magnetic field detector plugin ideal for science toolkit or metal detector apps. It displays the raw x, y, and z magnetometer values as well as a computed magnitude of the magnetic field. Added sound to the Application whenever Magnitude crosses certain values its start beep Sound

stack React, Capacitorjs, Ionic Native

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description Download Instagram profile photo Android Application created using React and capacitor plugins to download instagram profile photos without login,by just typing the username

stack React, Capacitorjs, Ionic Native

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github link

Riddle Game

description Riddle Game with upto 370+ plus level App is using the concept of persistent react state such that levels of user can be stored

stack React, Capacitorjs

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github link

Sitcky Notes

description A Post-it Note writing application, using persistant state so that user don’t require to login to save notes

stack React, Persistant State

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Github Battle

description React Application to compare Github profile of two person, which include number of repositories, number of followers, following ,etc

stack React, Persistant State

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github link

React Counter

description A simple react Counter

stack made using reactjs

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[Capacitor Tutorial] Convert react app into Android/ios app

.description Blog includes what is capacitor, how to convert your app into capacitor and other installation process to convert react application into Android/Ios hosted link

Explanation of js prototype

.description Blog include basic concept of protoyping in javascript with code snippets

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Global and local scope in javascript

.description Blog include basic concept of global and localscope in javascript and scope chain with example and code snippets

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