Rahul Srivastava

Hi! I am a Rahul Srivastava, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


Hi! I’m Rahul, working in Wipro Technologies.

Welcome to my world.

I am a code lover. My enthralling with computers began since my childhood. I wondered that how these machine works efficiently than humans. This led me to choose a career as an engineer.

I love tinkering with new technology. I’m passionately curious.

I am an introvert. I believe solitude is the secret to unlock our creativity.

I prefer living life at my own pace.

When I am free, probably I would be reading about new technology, watching movies or playing games.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need to switch my JOB. I want to learn MERN Stack.

something interesting about you?

My favorite color is blue.

help I need?

It would be good if someone helps and suggest me the best practices while working on projects.

how to contact me?


Covid 19 Tracker

This is react based web app, that give covid 19 status, of all countries.

  • You can find it here
  • Github repo can be found here


This is react based music player

  • You can find it here
  • Github repo can be found here

Open Source Project Finder

This is javascript based website, that helps you to find all the open source project.

  • You can find it here
  • Github repo and preview can be found here


This is a desktop based application, which gives you a new and fast way to use github

  • Github repo and preview can be found here


My Portfolio

  • You can find it here
  • Github repo can be found here


I never thought of writing a blog, but this challenge gave me a new perspective of sharing knowledge.

Github Oauth WorkFlow

It can be found here here

Mobile Responsive Design

It can be found here here

Electron + React

It can be found here hereone.