Megha Pathak

Namaste Everyone! This is Megha Pathak, a curiosity-driven, Product-minded developer passionate about envisioning and developing great products. I Strive to create software that not only functions efficiently under the hood but also provides intuitive, pixel-perfect user experiences. I am an active Open Source contributor as well.


With ONE main aim of creating software products that are beautiful and useful to people and makes their better in any sense, I keep expanding my knowledge and experience of developing and designing software for the web. My Open Source contributions are also result of the same vision. Let me walk you through my work now!

Why am I taking this challenge??

For Opportunities!

Opportunities = Job/Internship + Contributions to the community + Goal Oriented learning + Industry Feedback from Mentors + Filtering myself from the crowd + Sharpening my Skills + Building a strong Social Network through the community + Strengthening my portfolio.

With this Mighty WHY of mine, I sailed through this JobChallenge and started creating the above opportunities for myself and my community!

In the span of last 4 months I amount of things I learned is unimaginable for me. The challenge strengthen my believe in myself and still expanding my knowledge manifolds.

Something interesting about me?

I am an information-holic who drowns herself in variety of books, web-comics & articles about science & tech, psychology, philosophy and Life!

Also, I write fictional stories, prose and poems.

Aaaand, I love painting, petting dogs, and reading.

help I need?

This challenge helped me a lot in gearing up my game with front-end development. Now I am looking forward to explore backend more to the breadth of my skillset.

how to contact me?


Dodo: Meet your online digital duck for companionship & debugging

Dodo is a chrome extension to overlay a tiny duck, as a digital companion during debugging and general development work. It provides helpful Debugging Suggestions. Some broad ideas of things to change/do, some oddly specific things to change/do, also some Motivational texts. 15 minute alarms, when you need a short break, so you don’t loose track of time. Links to developer-friendly sites like StackOverflow, GitHub, Reddit and CodePen and option of adding customized links as well.


Hacket - Privacy card game

This is a Privacy card game to educate internet newbies about CyberSecurity in an interactive way. This is a card game that takes the player through different privacy situations and asks for the response they will choose. The points given to them specify how good their choice is.


Tracc - Personal Expense Tracker

Tracc is an expense tracker build with React. The app keeps the track of your expenses and savings with a complete history of all the transactions made. It uses functional components with hooks and the context API.


Reallo - Trello Clone made with React

In Reallo, I implemented most of the features of Trello such as- Creating Kanban boards with detailed & quick overviews of front/back cards, easy, drag-and-drop editing, in-line editing.


Moviefy - A Movie finding App

In Moviefy you can search for latest movies and get their premiere date and short description for helping you to decide, whether you want to watch them or not.



I often write about Web Development and Product Management on my recently started blog named Learn With Megha. Some of my recent blogs are -

Why Product thinking is essential for Developers and how to apply it?

description In this blog I have described the difference between Project thinking and Product thinking. Along, with the structure of Product thinking that developers can adept while working on software. The blog got featured in - Weekly Webtips publication.


5 Easy steps to create your own Chrome Extension

In this blog I made people understand concepts of Vanilla JavaScipt while helping them in creating a Chrome extension of their own in 5 easy steps. The blog got featured in - Better Programming publication.


Career Insights into Product Management ft. — Sarosh Mohammad [Senior PM @Microsoft]

description I see myself as a Product Minded developer, so keeping up with my interest, I wrote a blog post on - Career Insights into Product Management, based on my learning by listening to Sarosh Mohammad [Senior PM @ Microsoft]. I am grateful that this article got featured in Medium’s largest publication The Startup.
