Dhruv Sharma
Hi, I am Dhruv Sharma let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.
I am a first year Computer Science Engineering student, studying at Krishna Engineering College,GZB.
I am really passionate about programming and technology related stuff and I am also a linux distro hopper
Why are you taking this challenge?
I need an Internship this summer to get some real world experiece in devloping apps with teams
Something interesting about you?
I started programming in 11th standard. And I really like programming because it is the easiest way to bring idea to real world .
I like to play CS:GO , and I cook a lot , and I can solve a rubiks cube in under a minute and working on solving it even faster
Help I need?
It would be good if I get some guidance or mentorship during the time period i’ll be working on my projects.
how to contact me?
I am currently working on an IOT project and will upload it on github as soon as its done
Comming soon… I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.