Amit Jha

Hi! I am Amit Jha, Google AI facilitator at PESIT Bangalore South Campus, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I’m a 3rd Year BE student in Information Science Engineering at PESIT BSC. I’m a full stack developer and Deep Learning enthusiast. I love sharing my knowledge in seminar and workshops. I’m passionate about deep learning and webdev.

why are you taking this challenge?

  • I need an internship in january 2021.
  • I love challenges.

something interesting about you?

  • I have been building robots and games using different languages and tools since 8th standard.
  • I like sketching and writing poetry.

help I need?

It would be great if someone tells me how to do backend using Java.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.


Why learn Docker

description Software development is hard. Especially when you are working on a product with separate components that are required to be integrated together. Over the years different software development techniques have been developed to streamline the development process and meet the requirements and quality at the same time. However, in recent years as cloud-based technologies have flourished, most of the existing development methods have become somewhat difficult to manage when it comes to developing quick and fast cloud-based software solutions. In this blog post I discussed why to learn docker and the technologies and processes that surround it.


The future of App development

description In the last few years, native app development has seen a shift from the ‘native’ tech stack to a more ‘web’ oriented development stack. While one can easily read articles and find loads of reason for this I think one the fundamental level there is only 1 reason for this shift: the need for One-to-many application. In this post, I dived into this reason to understand what it is.


Why learn Redux in 2020: A way to deal with react’s messy state management

description Let’s be honest, react’s state management is a nightmare for everyone working on large and small projects alike. The tree like structure that react brings to the table is sure worth it but the state management causes more pain than pleasure. In this blog post I talked about redux and why everyone should be using it.


Why I Prefer PyTorch Over TensorFlow: Same Reason I Prefer Linux Over Windows

description As a deep learning practitioner I like (or require) custom architectures for my projects or research papers which can be difficult to build using TensorFlow because it’s implementation is not very friendly (non-pythonic). Hence, building a custom architecture in TensorFlow is time-consuming. In this blog post I spoke about how beautiful PyTorch is.


—save and —save-dev : Why You Should know The Difference

description As a newbie, we all make mistakes and overlook things because either they look simple or overly complex. While this ignorance does not cause any major embarrassment in our devlife (hopefully), sometimes somethings are worth paying attention to. In this blog post I wrote about one of these little things we ignore —save and —save-dev


7 Tricks To Get More Done As A Developer

description As developes we have all struggled with procrastination and incomplete projects. In this post let’s look at 7 tricks to get more done as developers.
