Chirag pipaliya

Hey! I am Chirag pipaliya and here is some of my infos and projects that i am currently working on


My name is chirag pipaliya and i am currently doing bca in surat city

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in may 2020. i want to learn alot of things and how to work with mentors and community

something interesting about you?

i can play garba very well

help I need?

It would be great if some one help to be good in reactjs

how to contact me?


some awesome projects are coming soon here

My projects:

couponstore: the coupon managment system

description when lot of people want to apply their coupon to the site we create this system where people can share their coupons easily and get revenue on how much views they get on coupons

stack made using reactjs and as a backend using expressjs and nodejs

hosted link

github link comingsoon


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

description I will write something really nice here so that you feel like reading my blog.
