Bhavesh Solanki

Hi! I am Bhavesh Solanki let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from JIET College of Engineering, Jodhpur. I am passionate about learning new things and especially when it comes to technology. I have a positive attitude towards life and handle every situation with patience. I am a keen learner and a smart worker. I always have a positive approach towards all my work.

why are you taking this challenge?

I believe that my experience with technology, specifically in the web and open-source makes be th best fit for this challenge, therfore I am looking to apply my skills and abilities to your progarm. I am taking this challenge so that I could get internship in summer 2020.

something interesting about you?

I am a night owl coder and I love to do coding when everyone is in sleeping with a cup of coffee I my hand.

how to contact me?


COMMING SOON. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

Psycho: Emotion detecting AI Chatbot using open platform IBM Watson

description Worked on the development and designing side of project like AI chatbot using IBM Watson. Also learned application UI design & prototyping for Rajasthan Student Startup Exposure Program (RSSEP) challenge.

stack Node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python

github link


description Designed and Developed Backend and Frontend services for Community Folks new “Marketing Courses for Entrepreneurs” platform.

stack PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Restful API’s.

github link

Clean Looms Near Me:Using google map javascript API to find nearest clean looms on map

description This project shows you how to build a Google Maps application for finding nearby clean looms in malls,complex and Restaurant.

stack PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Restful API’s.

github link


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

What is Stardox?

description Stardox is an advanced GitHub stargazers information gathering tool. It scraps Github for information and displays them in a list tree view. It can be used for collecting information about your’s/someone’s repository stargazer’s details.This project is listed in Blackarch Linux distribution.
