Anwesha Sinha Job Challenge

Hi! I am Anwesha Sinha , I have pursued my Btech In Computer Science field & graduated as a Gold Medalist from my college JKLU, Jaipur. I like to explore, learn, challenge myself & bring out all the best I can.


I have worked as a Research Itern in Tata Steels, Jamshedpur, as a Product Developer in Tekizma, Bengaluru & as a Business Analyst in JK Lakshmi Cement, Delhi. My strength is adaptability to learn & work in any technology.

Why Are You Taking This Challenge?

I wish to update my job into development field & work with enthusiastic people with some projects which can be boon to the society & IT Field.

Something Interesting About You?

I’m into reading, calligraphy, travelling.

Help I Need?

It would be good if I can connect with enthusiastic & optimistic people for their work.

How To Contact Me?


I will be soon coming with some cool projects but till then I am putting my earlier projects.

My projects:


description Its my portfolio integrated with chatbot plugin

stack ElasticSearch/NodeJs/Rest API

hosted link

github link

Android App For Collaborative Tools

description It is an android app developed during my Internship in TataSteel. Its an app to do collaborative task. Developed after seeing the collaborative Tools: MeisterTask, Trello.

stack Android App/MySql

github link


description A classifier which takes in a job description and gives the department name for it.

stack Python/NLP

github link

Elastic Search on Resume Parser

description Searching Of Jobs on a Resume Parser Via Elastic Search. I have hosted a demo dataset working on github which I have worked during my Internship in Tekizma. It gives the search result based on the search criteria.  It had 2 usecases. It mapped the candidate to the job based on the required skills, preferred skills, minimum work experience, candidateid, transaction id. Ranking was applied to give skill the ranks which further helped in the pagination. The other use case mapped job to the candidate.  RestAPI was made for mapping the data into elasticsearch, indexing in the elasticsearch after pulling the data from MSSQL Database or through Json body passing, searching in the elasticsearch on the required parameters, updating the indexed parameters in the elastic search.

stack ElasticSearch/NodeJs/Rest API

github link

Image Classification

description Image Classification on Warwick QU Dataset (Released 20160708)/ DataSet using Alexnet to predict benign, malignin

stack Python/Pandas/MatplotLib/keras

github link

I will refresh my projects once I am done.






I have published my research paper with my professor in International Journal Of Computer Applications. I have also published papers in Rajasthan Congress, & 5th International Conference on 3Gs.



I have done certifications from Johns Hopkins University, Coursera in Data Science, Neo4J Cerified Professional, IBM Bluemix Essentials, IBM Streaming Analytics Basics For Python Developers.